Cemetery Nodes

Enter starting letters of last name
Cemetery: Gordon
Last Name First Name MI Maiden DOB DODsort descending Family Comment Cemetery Attachment Headstone
Robinson Franklin M. 03-05-1863 12-23-1935 h/o Martha A. Robinson Gordon
Jeffcote J.D. 12-04-1854 12-24-1892 Gordon
McCarley Lula 05-14-1871 12-24-1944 w/o Frank McCarley Gordon
Cumbie Benjamin H. 11-13-1879 12-24-1947 h/o Lottie L. Cumbie Gordon
Jeffcoat Roxie I. 09-23-1880 12-25-1947 w/o Charles F. Jeffcoat Gordon
Vickers Martin 08-11-1924 12-26-1987 Gordon
Leslie John E. 02-29-1852 12-27-1889 Gordon
Bevel Thomas J. 12-14-1870 12-27-1900 Gordon
Eubanks Daisy B. 01-10-1910 12-27-1993 Gordon
Elmore Robert E. 01-25-1915 12-30-1948 h/o Ruth Wilson Elmore Gordon PDF icon More Info
Jeffcoat Joshua 11-15-1842 17-27-1919 h/o Amanda Jeffcoat Gordon
Pynes Daniel 1780 1830 h/o Ruth Knotts Pynes commemorative marker Gordon
Pynes Fair 1804 1853 h/o Maryanna Chreech married 01-10-1828 s/o Daniel & Rutha Pynes Gordon
Pynes Rutha Knotts 1780 1856 w/o Daniel Pynes Gordon PDF icon More Info
Johnson Mary Pynes 1814 1858 w/o Alex Johnson (marker at Collins) d/o Daniel & Rutha Pynes Gordon
Pynes Mary Pynes 1814 1858 w/o Alexander Johnson (married 09-23-1833) d/o Daniel & Rutha Pynes Gordon
Smith William H. 1822 1865 h/o Penelope C. Pynes Smith s/o Peter & Martha Hancock Smith Gordon PDF icon More Info
Hare W.W. Capt. 1802 1872 h/o Susan Hare (perhaps Civil War) Gordon
Thurman Infant 1879 1879 s/o D.L. & Lucy Thurman (archival survey info) Gordon
Jeffcoat Mary Alice King 1816 188 ? (last # on death not stamped) Gordon
Pynes Virginia Leslie 1846 1902 w/o William P. Leslie d/o James & Winifred Pynes Gordon
Moates Baby (no birth) 1909 (archival survey info) Gordon
Rathel Zema 1893 1916 Gordon
Bowdon Samuel 1835 1917 h/o Charlotte Russ Bowdon Gordon PDF icon More Info
Vickers Jason (no birth) 1920 h/o Eliza Vickers six flat markers in plot (no names) Gordon
Smith Mary E. Polly Chumney 1856 1921 w/o James T. Smith Gordon PDF icon More Info
Chumney Mary Polly 1856 1921 w/o James T. Smith d/o James Clayborn & Nancy Chumney Gordon
Childree Infant (one date) 1925 d/o Linnie & Lettie Childree Gordon
Leslie Dora Jane 1861 1929 Gordon
Cemetery: Riverside
Last Name First Name MI Maiden DOB DODsort descending Family Comment Cemetery Attachment Headstone
Purdee Armstrong (no birth) 12-23-1937 (age 81) Riverside
Davis Joe B. 12-05-1910 12-23-1956 h/o Alice Davis Riverside
Haney Louise Patrick 07-19-1930 12-23-1993 Riverside
Wynn Milton Gerald 11-29-1926 12-23-2006 h/o Joanne Wynn Riverside
Barwick Wilson Rudolph 09-30-1939 12-23-2017 h/o Mary Barwick Riverside
Lipford Leola 1926 12-23-2020 w/o R.G. Lipford Obituaries Riverside
McKinnon Daniel Love 12-24-1842 12-24-1924 h/o Mary Attaway McKinnon Riverside
Bowles Eugene Wood 01-10-1902 12-24-1966 h/o Alice Bowles Riverside
Chase Lauren Ann 06-06-1948 12-24-1974 Riverside
Killian Mildred 01-31-1921 12-24-1974 Riverside
Williams Walter A. (no birth) 12-24-1976 h/o Velma Williams Riverside
Wandeck Charles 07-24-1898 12-24-1978 h/o Nell Wandeck Riverside
Garrison Earl Quillian 06-27-1923 12-24-1985 h/o Louise Garrison Riverside
Brown Dorothy E. 10-20-1923 12-24-1993 w/o Leslie Brown Riverside
Diener Bettie Jean Pilcher 07-22-1927 12-24-1995 w/o John Diener Riverside
Conrad Helen Virginia 08-25-1922 12-24-1999 Riverside
Jones James E. 11-26-1918 12-24-2000 h/o Myrtle Jones Riverside
Folsom Hilda D. 03-24-1924 12-24-2007 Riverside
Sims Paul 11-25-1919 12-24-2010 (two markers noted) (Lt Col USAF) Riverside
Sims Paul 11-25-1919 12-24-2010 (two markers noted) (LT COL USAF WW II) Riverside
Boone Olivia L. (no birth) 12-25-1905 Riverside
Kirkus Eva Marion 11-27-1918 12-25-1919 Riverside
Nelson Asa Sr. 01-10-1877 12-25-1922 Riverside
Pittman Elizabeth 03-21-1923 12-25-1941 Riverside
Walker Lottie Mae 04-18-1925 12-25-1998 w/o Luther Walker Riverside
Bell Roger L. 06-15-1882 12-26-1943 Riverside
Mashburn Thomas Lee 05-15-1878 12-26-1948 Riverside
Milner Albert E. 02-22-1874 12-27-1929 h/o Erin Milner Riverside
Keen Elsie Iola 01-25-1881 12-27-1946 w/o James Keen Old Survey (marker not found) Riverside
Gammon Samuel Franklin Jr. 07-24-1915 12-27-1997 h/o Mary Gammon (two markers noted) (Sgt US Army Air Corps) Riverside
Gammon Samuel Jr. F. 07-24-1915 12-27-1997 h/o Mary Gammon (two markers noted) Riverside
Mount Sybyl Flynt 01-15-1921 12-27-2008 w/o James Mount Riverside
Dickson Sarah Ann 07-13-1819 12-28-1838 w/o Robert S. Dickson (born in N.C.) Riverside
Maultsby Baby (one date) 12-28-1928 Riverside
Davis Asa 12-22-1867 12-28-1929 Riverside
Quick Eva Weeks 07-15-1895 12-28-1968 Riverside
Wallace Herman 01-11-1939 12-28-2015 Riverside
Crews Daun 05-20-1932 12-28-2016 h/o Christine Crews Riverside
Sewell James Cullen 03-03-1910 12-29-1944 Riverside
Hodges Mattie L. 07-26-1876 12-29-1965 h/o Reuben Hodges Riverside
Carter John Hardin Jr. 03-24-1898 12-29-1975 h/o Christelle Carter Riverside
Stewart Wilkes Lamar 10-16-1925 12-29-2000 h/o Myrtle Stewart (two markers noted) Riverside
Stewart Wilkes Lamar 10-16-1925 12-29-2000 (US Navy WW II) (two markers noted) Riverside
Lewis Norma Elaine 06-14-1922 12-29-2010 Riverside
Pledger Edward L. 05-30-1897 12-30-1962 h/o Ina C. Pledger Riverside
Gammon Bessie Standifer 08-24-1894 12-30-1967 w/o Samuel Gammon Riverside
Clark Virginia Pardon 08-30-1896 12-30-1972 Riverside
Morse Lessie Mae 09-30-1907 12-30-1983 w/o Calvin Morse Riverside
Richards Annie L. 03-26-1932 12-30-1994 Riverside
Kirkland Joseph (Ted) 11-01-1906 12-30-1996 h/o Laura Kirkland (US Navy WW II) Riverside
Kirkland Joseph (Ted) 11-01-1906 12-30-1996 h/o Laura Kirkland (two markers noted) Riverside
Dack John David 01-04-1929 12-30-1998 (USAF) Riverside
Guillen Christopher (one date) 12-30-2008 Riverside
Haywood Emily (birth illegible) 12-31-1935 Riverside
Bennett Claudie N. 02-09-1895 12-31-1970 w/o George Bennett Riverside
Pace Susie B. (one date) 12-31-1970 Riverside
Creecy (no birth) 1851 Old Survey (marker not found) Riverside
Chapman Carrie Tillinghast (no birth) 1863 w/o Washington Chapman Riverside
Lewis William Augustus 1836 1863 CSA A Confederate Soldier Riverside
Merritt Ethington J. 1809 1873 Riverside
Hensler Annie Lewis 1834 1880 w/o Gustave Hensler Riverside
Marwalsh A.M. (no birth) 1887 Riverside
Roulhac Illegible (date illegible) 1892 w/o J.N. Roulhac (age 43) Riverside
Thomas Beersheba 1849 1900 Riverside
Richardson James Jr. N. 1900 1905 s/o James & Allie Richardson Riverside
Calhoun Curtis Lee 1905 1906 Riverside
Richardson James N. 1844 1906 h/o Allie Richardson Riverside
Calhoun Russel Adrian 1907 1908 Riverside
Calhoun Dorinda 1909 1911 Riverside
Daffin Carolus Bell 1911 1912 Riverside
Daffin Hinton Watson 1911 1912 Riverside
Bullock C.W. 1848 1913 CSA Riverside
Rawls Walter 1870 1913 h/o Florence Rawls Riverside
Stewart Lillie Mae 1887 1913 Riverside
Callaway Carline 1879 1914 Riverside
Merritt Felix G. 1855 1917 h/o Elizabeth Merritt Riverside
Hightower Beatrice Terry 1892 1918 Riverside
Gammon John Eugene 1863 1919 h/o Georgia Gammon Riverside
Smith Olivia Rucker 1848 1920 Riverside
Calloway John C. 1899 1921 Riverside
Lingo Dr. Thomas 1884 1922 h/o Mary Lingo Riverside
Martin Isaac J. 1849 1922 Riverside
Morgan Laura J. 1861 1922 Riverside
Snowden Thomas B. 1860 1922 h/o Hattie Snowden Riverside
Dillon John Martin 1866 1923 Riverside
Ganey Alma D. 1891 1923 w/o Albert Ganey Riverside
Jordan Wiley Monroe 1887 1923 h/o Alice Jordan Riverside
Calloway Edward A. 1905 1924 Riverside
Parker James J. 1859 1924 Riverside
Alsobrook Thomas 1857 1925 h/o Annie Alsobrook Riverside
Calhoun Geraldine 1915 1926 Riverside
Harrell Henry Willis 1884 1926 Riverside
Eddy Eleander 1924 1927 Riverside
Streetman James Edward 1927 1928 s/o J.F. & L.P. Old Survey (marker not found) Riverside
Webster John William 1868 1928 Riverside
Name Illegible 1881 1928 Riverside
Darley F.T. 1901 1928 Riverside
Calhoun John M. 1879 1930 h/o Mary R. Calhoun Riverside
Henderson Annie White 1868 1930 w/o Louis Henderson Riverside
Curry Rubert Charles 1861 1931 Riverside
Rabb Henry Porter 1872 1931 Riverside
Merritt Elizabeth Dekle 1855 1932 w/o Felix Merritt Riverside
Kirkus Ira A. 1878 1932 h/o Minnie Kirkus Riverside
McAliley Charles Wesley 1881 1932 Old Survey (marker not found) Riverside
Cemetery: Cottonwood
Last Name First Name MI Maiden DOB DODsort descending Family Comment Cemetery Attachment Headstone
Snell Henry Walton 07-20-1886 12-23-1958 Cottonwood
Nowell Mildrie M. 07-18-1905 12-23-1994 w/o Russell J. Newman Married 08-23-1926 Cottonwood
Edwards J.P. (one date) 12-24-1936 (two markers noted) Cottonwood
Tiller Sarah V. Kelly 09-20-1919 12-24-1957 (new unmarked grave beside) Cottonwood
Kingry Buelah 12-13-1897 12-24-1959 w/o Early Kingry Cottonwood
Lewis Hiram W. 03-08-1886 12-24-1967 h/o Maude E. Lewis Cottonwood
Lewis Maggie Lee 02-19-1885 12-24-1977 w/o James Warren Lewis Cottonwood
Franklin Martin Dyer 12-28-1902 12-25-1938 In Jones & Franklin Lot Cottonwood
Monk Cade Jefferson 12-15-1993 12-25-1993 Cottonwood
Harrell Charles Houston 09-12-1931 12-25-2008 h/o Betty Skipper Harrell Cottonwood
Todd Kate Wood 09-08-1897 12-26-1965 w/o Kenneth Leonard Todd Cottonwood
Bentley Mack M. 03-31-1910 12-26-1971 h/o Sallie W. Bentley Cottonwood
Buntin William Dawson 12-24-1859 12-27-1935 h/o Florence Buntin Adult unmarked slab beside Cottonwood
Smith James B. (Uncle Buck) 04-11-1857 12-27-1947 h/o Mollie Wynn Smith Cottonwood
Merritt Nora Magdalene 11-17-1904 12-27-1989 w/o Anton Merritt Married 02-22-1931 Cottonwood
Cook Dora Eldora 07-07-1894 12-27-1991 Cottonwood
Lewis James Wyatt 07-21-1911 12-27-1999 h/o Annie Lee Sellers Lewis Cottonwood
Devane Epsy 10-04-1877 12-28-1967 w/o Edward Devane Cottonwood
Smith Robert D. 01-03-1937 12-28-1968 (Florida SN US Navy) Cottonwood
Moss Mae Dunn 10-19-1916 12-28-1970 w/o Clifford Moss Cottonwood
Wright Roy 09-05-1906 12-28-1987 Cottonwood
Hollon Lucy Balkcom 04--15-1885 12-29-1948 w/o Stephen S. Hollon Cottonwood
McCoy L. Estelle 12-21-1904 12-29-1986 w/o Alter McCoy Cottonwood
Watford George W. 12-23-1929 12-29-1997 (two markers noted) (US Navy WW II & Korea) Cottonwood
Watford George (G.W.) W. 12-23-1929 12-29-1997 h/o Marjoria F. Watford (two markers noted) Cottonwood
Moss J.B. 11-30-1924 12-30-1965 (two markers noted) (PFC USMC WW II) Cottonwood
Layer Eric Michael 05-29-1994 12-30-2016 s/o Bill & Ann Layer (perhaps previous survey or obit, no marker found) Cottonwood
Peacock Luther G. 09-31-1902 12-31-1967 h/o Violet Mae Peacock Cottonwood
Whitehead Reecie W. 11-22-1912 12-31-1983 w/o Walter D. Whitehead Cottonwood
Harrison R.T. 07-22-1828 17-22-1895 Cottonwood
Cemetery: Rocky Grove
Last Name First Name MI Maiden DOB DODsort descending Family Comment Cemetery Attachment Headstone
Lawrence Ida Mae 09-11-1887 12-23-1961 d/o Margaret Lawrence Rocky Grove
Robinson Marvin 12-30-1905 12-23-1978 h/o Alice "Burke" Robinson s/o William Hugh & Gertie "McDaniel" Robinson married 10-30-1927 Rocky Grove
Baxter Mary Ann Futch 1788 1850 w/o Israel Baxter Jr. d/o Isaac & Unity "Wilson" Futch married 04-23-1809 archival survey (unmarked grave) Rocky Grove
Baxter Israel Jr. E. 1786 1877 h/o Mary Ann "Futch" Baxter married 04-23-1809 archival survey (unmarked Grave) Rocky Grove
Chumney Nancy Baxter 1833 1900 w/o James C. Chumney married 06-12-1855 Rocky Grove
Chumney James Clayborn 1833 1921 h/o Nancy "Baxter" Chumney (two markers noted) Rocky Grove PDF icon More Info
Chumney James Clayborn 1833 1921 h/o Nancy "Baxter" Chumney Rocky Grove
Smith Lawrence 1914 1924 s/o James (Jim) & Unity "Baxter" Smith Rocky Grove
Baxter William H. 1854 1926 h/o Mary Polly "Roberson" Baxter married 11-28-1878 Rocky Grove PDF icon William and Polly1.pdf
Baxter Trudy Mae Rogers 01-1881 1927 w/o Greenberry Baxter married 10-25-1896 Rocky Grove
Smith Bertha 1921 1928 d/o James (Jim) & Unity "Baxter" Smith Rocky Grove
Smith Gilcrist 1910 1928 s/o James (Jim) & Unity "Baxter" Smith Rocky Grove
Cemetery: Friendship Baptist
Last Name First Name MI Maiden DOB DODsort descending Family Comment Cemetery Attachment Headstone
Brookins Mary Lula 12-21-1896 12-23-1964 w/o Willie Dalton Brookins Friendship Baptist
Tidwell Aliff Eugene 06-21-1869 12-24-1872 d/o Mr. & Mrs. J.C. Tidwell Friendship Baptist
Herrington P.J. 05-23-1853 12-24-1913 Friendship Baptist
Bell Jimmy Marvin 03-10-1854 12-24-1930 Friendship Baptist
Griffin Mollie P. 04-08-1866 12-24-1939 w/o Luther Arrin Griffin Friendship Baptist
Hatcher Ernest Mathew 12-24-1897 12-25-1928 h/o Lessie Hatcher s/o Mathew & Lessie "Jones" Hatcher Friendship Baptist
Hatcher Ernest Mathew 12-24-1897 12-25-1928 h/o Lessie Jones Hatcher Friendship Baptist
Hall Wiley 01-27-1878 12-25-1968 h/o Berty "Ham" Hall Friendship Baptist
Paulk Carol Ann 08-26-1962 12-25-1972 d/o willie & Ruby Paulk (see Willie E.) Friendship Baptist Microsoft Office document icon Carol Ann Paulk.doc
Paulk Willie E. 10-22-1922 12-25-1972 h/o Ruby May Paulk Friendship Baptist
Hart Thelma Utah 08-25-1900 12-25-1975 w/o Jim Hart Friendship Baptist
Eachen Erleen W. 09-18-1921 12-25-2011 Friendship Baptist
Hall Jean Ellen Broome 02-12-1936 12-25-2016 w/o Sidney Hall Jr. married 06-04-1954 Friendship Baptist
Brookins Marcus (no birth) 12-26-1936 h/o Jane Brookins Friendship Baptist
Fears Alex Jr. 02-28-1946 12-26-1985 h/o Lanet Hatcher Fears s/o Alex & Annie Mae Conrad Fears Friendship Baptist
Grice W. J. 10-07-1919 12-27-1988 h/o Mildred A. Grice Friendship Baptist
Hughes Hetty 09-23-1908 12-28-1908 d/o W.P. & Ider Hoghes Friendship Baptist
Nordan C. W. 01-29-1870 12-28-1928 h/o Annie B. Nordan Friendship Baptist
Livingston Charles Hannah 06-07-1865 12-28-1937 h/o Martha Parks Livingston Friendship Baptist
Paulk Minnie Lee Harpe 08-27-1882 12-29-1937 w/o Joseph Alfred Paulk Friendship Baptist
Jones Jimmy (Pic) Ray age 66 12-29-2021 h/o Faye Jones Obituaries Friendship Baptist
Conrad Martha Standland 08-02-1867 12-30-1923 Friendship Baptist
Taylor Infant (one date) 12-30-1932 c/o Mr. & Mrs. C.A. Taylor Friendship Baptist
Howard Addis L. 11-23-1889 12-30-1960 h/o Maudie B. Howard Friendship Baptist
Wilson Josie Sewell 11-08-1878 12-30-1964 w/o James Nesbit Wilson Friendship Baptist
Herring Howard Leroy 04-29-1879 12-31-1957 h/o Bertha Martin Herring Friendship Baptist Microsoft Office document icon Howard Leroy Herring.doc
Baxter Chester (Scrap) 12-15-1918 12-31-1980 h/o Ruby Baxter US Army Friendship Baptist
Baxter Chester 12-15-1918 12-31-1980 h/o Ruby Baxter US Army WW II (two markers noted) Friendship Baptist
King John P. 1818 1864 h/o Nancy Elizabeth "Williamson" King CSA (Co D 6 Fla Inf) Died in Battle of Atlanta Friendship Baptist
Helms Josephine 1890 1895 Friendship Baptist
Hall Benjamon 1834 1897 Friendship Baptist
Sexton Seth R. 1836 1901 Fla Inf CSA (two markers noted) Friendship Baptist
Hodges Infant 1906 1909 archival survey (marker not found) Friendship Baptist
Buldshoe Mable King 1845 1912 archival survey (marker not found) Friendship Baptist
Conrad Infant (one date) 1912 d/o Mr. & Mrs. C.D. Conrad Friendship Baptist
Jones Infant 1917 1917 d/o Willie & Bertha Wadell Jones Friendship Baptist
Conrad Addie B. 1869 1918 Friendship Baptist
Conrad Infant (one date) 1918 s/o Mr. & Mr. C.D. Conrad Friendship Baptist
Conrad Joseph C. 1896 1918 Friendship Baptist
Franklin Ophelia Floyd 1891 1918 Friendship Baptist
Taylor Lewis B. 1846 1921 (PVT CO E 1ST FL CAV CSA) Friendship Baptist
Moss Ever Huff no date 1925 w/o W.L. Moss Friendship Baptist
Avery Verna 1895 1928 Friendship Baptist PDF icon More Info.pdf
Floyd Mary 1857 1928 w/o William H. Floyd Friendship Baptist
Floyd William H. 1852 1929 h/o Mary Floyd Friendship Baptist
Herrington John D. (Doug) 1879 1930 h/o Minnie K. Herrington Friendship Baptist
King William (Bud) M 1870 1932 h/o Mary Ella King Married: 1896 Friendship Baptist
Cemetery: Dellwood Baptist
Last Name First Name MI Maiden DOB DODsort descending Family Comment Cemetery Attachment Headstone
Baxter Green B. 04-20-1909 12-23-1973 h/o Myrtle Baxter Dellwood Baptist
Baxter James Allen 07-24-1892 12-24-1961 h/o Effie Baxter Dellwood Baptist
Mercer Cora L. 08-29-1912 12-24-1996 w/o Marion Mercer Dellwood Baptist
Cemetery: Pine Crest
Last Name First Name MI Maiden DOB DODsort descending Family Comment Cemetery Attachment Headstone
Baker Kenneth W. 03-20-1962 12-23-1975 Pine Crest
Morris Mae 05-03-1898 12-23-1979 Pine Crest
Nichols John E. 04-27-1942 12-23-1980 h/o Mary Haney Nichols (D.D.S.) Pine Crest
Loria Jack Joseph 01-03-1917 12-23-2000 (CPT US Army WW II & Korea) Pine Crest
Kelly Alice White 06-14-1912 12-23-2001 w/o J. W. Kelly Sr. Pine Crest
Opfermann Kirt Jacob 02-28-1930 12-23-2014 Pine Crest
Joiner Troy B. 03-19-1895 12-24-1967 h/o Carrie L. Joiner Pine Crest
Morrisseau Laura 01-15-1921 12-24-1996 w/o Lionel Morrisseau Sr. (married 06-01-1951) Pine Crest
Bone Ronald Lee 07-02-1943 12-24-2008 (Beloved Son) Pine Crest
Young Glenn W. 07-16-1938 12-24-2020 h/o Janet Evans Young Obituaries Pine Crest
Lind Irene J. 04-14-1911 12-25-1995 w/I Charles G. Lind Pine Crest
Nordan Annis R. 04-16-1908 12-25-2000 w/o Ralph W. Nordan Pine Crest
Andrews Roberta M. 07-01-1918 12-25-2002 w/o Leslie C. Andrews Pine Crest
Hoy Jesse Daniel Jr. 02-12-1953 12-25-2017 (obit info) Pine Crest
Janes John E. 11-30-1940 12-26-1976 Pine Crest
Fears Amos J. 12-21-1918 12-26-1977 h/o Aza P. Fears Pine Crest PDF icon More Info
Griffin Lettie R. 05-15-1905 12-26-1983 w/o Oscar Griffin Pine Crest
Holmes CDR Edward A. 12-22-1921 12-26-2004 (Mausoleum) Pine Crest
McGehee Sue Brewer 10-13-1922 12-26-2004 w/o Fred Symond McGehee Pine Crest
Lanier Velma J 05-07-1929 12-27-1997 w/o Davol Clyde Lanier Pine Crest
Clark Matthew Byron 04-12-1980 12-27-2002 Pine Crest
Stephens Curtis Arlon 12-27-1940 12-27-2018 h/o Barbara Kent Stephens (Obituary info) Pine Crest
Jordan Bobbie Nell Crutchfield 11-06-1935 12-27-2020 w/o John Wesley (J.W.) Jordan Pine Crest
Miller Hoovie Nowell 11-08-1928 12-27-2020 w/o Floyd Miller Pine Crest
Dolan Carlton E. 09-11-1912 12-28-1972 (PFC US Army WW II) Pine Crest
Andriakos Rose M. 07-04-1918 12-28-1988 w/o Constantine Andriados Pine Crest
Shumaker Callie Irene 04-09-1938 12-28-1991 w/o Harry Edward Shumaker Pine Crest PDF icon More Info
Cox Ruth Heath 04-23-1920 12-28-2005 Pine Crest
Fuqua Margie Dillard 05-15-1933 12-28-2010 Pine Crest
Burlingham Betty Lou 1931 12-28-2015 Pine Crest
Cox Hazel T. 08-26-1926 12-28-2015 w/o Charles H. Cox Pine Crest
Cox Charles H. 09-21-1928 12-29-1982 h/o Hazel T. Cox Pine Crest
Gesslein Charles H. 07-07-1923 12-29-1982 Pine Crest
Ellis Bonnie Mae 06-11-1915 12-29-1993 Pine Crest
Maddox Theo M. 11-18-1908 12-29-1995 h/o Vannah S. Maddox Pine Crest
Floyd Eugene M. 10-31-1912 12-29-2004 h/o Nancy I. Floyd Pine Crest
Paulk Voncille B. 03-29-1927 12-29-2009 w/o Walter K. Paulk Pine Crest
Dalafave James G. 11-16-1931 12-29-2018 h/o Joan R. Dalafave Pine Crest
Vaughn Rufus Caldwell 01-05-1929 12-30-1997 h/o Merie M. Vaughn (SSgt USAF Korea) Pine Crest
Vaughn Rufus Caldwell 01-05-1929 12-30-1997 h/o Merie M. Vaughn (two markers noted) Pine Crest
Smith Edna Chappell 08-20-1921 12-30-2001 w/o Alvin B. Smith Pine Crest
Knepper Ruby J. Bays 06-11-1905 12-31-1976 Pine Crest
Pace Gladys M. Brown 04-14-1912 12-31-1992 Pine Crest
Mayo Genous R. 09-01-1930 12-31-2003 h/o Annis C. Mayo (two markers noted) Pine Crest
Mayo Genous R. 09-01-1930 12-31-2003 (US Army Korea) (two markers noted) Pine Crest
Tabor Richard Archie 04-25-1932 12-31-2008 (SMSgt US Air Force) Pine Crest
Parrish Hughie Bernard 09-19-1919 12-31-2012 h/o Laura Parrish US ARMY Pine Crest
Grenfell Robert (Bob) J. 09-11-1946 12-31-2017 h/o Toni Grenfell (obit info) Pine Crest
Deuel Mary (Kat) Katherine Ramey 1922 12-31-2020 w/o Homer Deuel Obituaries Pine Crest
Westmoreland Carrie A. 12-13-1917 15-19-2004 w/o John V. Westmoreland Pine Crest
Robert Jack 04-05-1912 19-18-1988 (next to Agnes McRae Brown) Pine Crest
Rudd Ronnie R. 03-24-1948 19-27-2010 Pine Crest
Cemetery: Greenwood Baptist
Last Name First Name MI Maiden DOB DODsort descending Family Comment Cemetery Attachment Headstone
Bryan Adelia Pender 12-17-1884 12-23-1984 w/o Frank Bryan (two markers noted) Greenwood Baptist
Dunaway Edell Dickson 02-22-1898 12-24-1979 Greenwood Baptist
Erwin Infant (one date) 12-25-1942 d/o Martha and Bryan Erwin Greenwood Baptist
Edwards Pattie 12-27-1847 12-26-1917 Greenwood Baptist
Godwin Jennie B. Anderson 07-05-1860 12-28-1926 w/o J.W. Godwin Greenwood Baptist
O'Bryan Robert Gray 03-13-1951 12-28-1996 Greenwood Baptist
Anderson Mary Lee 02-13-1871 12-30-1911 w/o Edward Anderson Greenwood Baptist
Park C.D. 08-12-1866 15-12-1929 h/o Elizabeth Park Greenwood Baptist
Hearn Lawrence Henry 1810 1854 h/o Margaret Hearn From Edgecombe Co. N.C. Greenwood Baptist
Bryan Little Tom 1858 1859 (Flip side Thomas Bryan) (Little Tom Sleeps) Greenwood Baptist
Butler Stephen Z. 1844 1861 Greenwood Baptist
Butler Marcus A. 1834 1864 Greenwood Baptist
Harvey Sallie Price (no birth date) 1872 w/o John S. Harvey Greenwood Baptist
Hearn Margaret Ann Bell 1821 1874 w/o Lawrence Hearn married 1836 in N.C. Greenwood Baptist
Harvey John S. (no birth date) 1878 h/o Sallie Price Harvey Greenwood Baptist
Bryan Robert B. 1846 1885 Greenwood Baptist
Butler William 1803 1885 Greenwood Baptist
Long Evelyn 1895 1903 Greenwood Baptist
Long Riley 1887 1903 Greenwood Baptist
Bryan Joseph N. 1830 1906 CSA (A Confederate Soldier 61--65) Greenwood Baptist
Dickenson Elizabeth Bryan 1852 1908 w/o E.T.C. Dickenson Greenwood Baptist
Long Victor 1890 1908 Greenwood Baptist
Long Riley C. 1846 1913 h/o Fannie Long Greenwood Baptist
Ware Lowell G. 1883 1922 Greenwood Baptist
Bevis Andrew J. 1845 1925 h/o M.J. Bevis CSA (dates from research) Greenwood Baptist
Long Fannie J. 1854 1930 w/o Riley Long Greenwood Baptist
Cemetery: Pleasant Hill
Last Name First Name MI Maiden DOB DODsort descending Family Comment Cemetery Attachment Headstone
Parrish Cecil 07-05-1906 12-23-1992 h/o Phrona Parrish Pleasant Hill
Brown Mittie C. 04-01-1891 12-24-1983 w/o Charlie Brown Pleasant Hill
Layton Nina Pauline 10-04-1926 12-25-1937 Pleasant Hill
Pynes Sara Jane Grice 01-26-1874 12-25-1956 w/o White Pynes married 01-13-1896 Pleasant Hill
Pynes F.D. 12-07-1885 12-25-1958 h/o Annie Marie Pynes Pleasant Hill
Walters Nellie Doris 12-06-1925 12-26-2000 Pleasant Hill
Shiver Thomas Mitchell 09-18-1947 12-27-2003 h/o Michele Ann Shiver one unmarked outside plot Pleasant Hill
Mercer Mary Inez 03-14-1910 12-28-1910 (in plot with James & Jennie) Pleasant Hill
Wood Sarah H. Chumney 12-25-1870 12-28-1911 w/o W.J. Wood Pleasant Hill
Parrish B.W. 08-28-1883 12-28-1937 Pleasant Hill
Jeffcoat Cora M. 07-23-1875 12-28-1954 w/o Walter S. Jeffcoat Pleasant Hill
Hatcher Mary E. Sloan 12-15-1862 12-29-1932 w/o Eliga A. Hatcher Pleasant Hill
Jones Russell Wayne 03-07-1930 12-29-1958 (Sgt US Army Korea) Pleasant Hill
Wofford Josiah J. 10-26-1824 12-30-1900 h/o Sarah A. Wofford Pleasant Hill
Harrison B.S 11-05-1865 12-30-1933 h/o Elizabeth E. Harrison (archival survey info) Pleasant Hill
Manning Nora Robinson 07-28-1932 12-30-2000 Pleasant Hill
Wood Ressie Lee Harrison 08-19-1908 12-31-1946 w/o William Wood (archival survey info) Pleasant Hill
Dempsey W.E. 12-24-1884 12-31-1961 w/o Annie C. Dempsey Pleasant Hill
Herndon Berta B. 01-10-1884 12-31-1973 w/o J.E. (Ed) Herndon Pleasant Hill
Hall Clyde Fletcher (Sugar Boy) 10-25-1915 12-31-1982 Pleasant Hill
Pynes Lewis W. 1846 1863 s/o White & Sarah CSA (Smith Cav 6 Fla Regt) Pleasant Hill PDF icon More Info
Pynes Sarah Gilmore Lewis 1812 1871 w/o White Pynes married 08-26-1836 Pleasant Hill
Pynes Benjamin 1808 1879 h/o Louisa Visa Evans Pynes Pleasant Hill PDF icon More Info
Pynes Louisa Visa Evans 1827 1881 w/o Benjamin Pynes married 12-02-1855 Pleasant Hill
Pynes White 1811 1882 h/o Sarah G. Lewis Pynes Pleasant Hill PDF icon More Info
Davis Donie A. McIntyre 1875 1909 w/o A.C. Davis Pleasant Hill
Coonrod Infant (one date) 1918 s/o Mr. & Mrs. L.C. Coonrod Pleasant Hill
Sanders Ruthie 1895 1921 (archival survey info) Pleasant Hill
Vickers Katie Mae 1917 1925 Pleasant Hill
Suggs Ada Mae (one date) 1930 d/o Chalker & Emilee Suggs Pleasant Hill
Vickers Henrietta H. 1896 1930 Pleasant Hill
Pynes Lousiana F 1848 1931 Daughter of: White & Sarah Lewis Pynes Pleasant Hill PDF icon Pynes Lousiana.pdf
Adams Louisiana Pynes 1848 1931 d/o White & Sarah "Lewis" Pynes Pleasant Hill
Cemetery: Bascom Methodist
Last Name First Name MI Maiden DOB DODsort descending Family Comment Cemetery Attachment Headstone
Bevis William Bradley 01-14-1918 12-23-2001 Bascom Methodist
Conrad Amy Eliza 07-03-1880 12-24-1967 Bascom Methodist
Davis G.R. Jr. 09-15-1925 12-26-1925 s/o Mr. & Mrs. G.R. Davis Bascom Methodist
Bennett Robert T. 09-27-1922 12-26-2014 h/o Gladys M. Bennett Masonic Symbol Bascom Methodist
Bennett Robert Thurmon 09-27-1922 12-26-2014 (two markers noted) (US Navy WW II) Bascom Methodist
Dickens Jimmy D. 10-08-1943 12-26-2019 h/o Mary Boone Dickens Obit. Bascom Methodist
Watford Lathrom L. 09-18-1889 12-31-1978 h/o Clyde Watford Bascom Methodist
Haney Bridget Dawn 05-23-1967 12-31-1980 Bascom Methodist
Dunaway Leon R. Sr. 05-09-1922 12-31-2001 h/o Bonnie Dunaway (M Sgt US Army retired) Bascom Methodist
Dunaway Leon Rogers Sr. 05-09-1922 12-31-2001 (two markers noted) (US Army) Bascom Methodist
Bevis William Hinson Sr. 03-25-1920 12-31-2010 Bascom Methodist
Etheridge Annie Jane 02-18-1874 13-16-1961 w/o Charles Etheridge Bascom Methodist
Williams Rebecca Hamilton 05-24-1901 16-22-1946 Bascom Methodist
Simms Martha (Mattie) Bevis 1866 1899 Bascom Methodist
Bevis Albert 1902 1902 (scribed on slab) Bascom Methodist
Bevis George 1902 1902 (scribed on slab) Bascom Methodist
Bevis Bertha 1892 1905 (scribed on slab) Bascom Methodist
Bevis Allen C. 1904 1906 s/o William & Julia Bevis Bascom Methodist
Etheridge Mary 1845 1910 w/o Rev. Isaac Etheridge Bascom Methodist
Olive Infant (one date) 1922 s/o O.L. & E.L. Olive Bascom Methodist
Nichols Genie Lou (one date) 1929 d/o Agnes & Boonie Nichols Bascom Methodist
Cemetery: Campbellton Baptist
Last Name First Name MI Maiden DOB DODsort descending Family Comment Cemetery Attachment Headstone
Brown Alvie W. 03-03-1906 12-23-2003 w/o Noah Brown Campbellton Baptist
Jones W.B. 01-06-1829 12-24-1866 h/o Sarah Jones Campbellton Baptist
Buie Daniel C. 10-30-1846 12-24-1925 (buried in Jones plot) Campbellton Baptist
Stwart Peble 11-28-1903 12-27-1903 Campbellton Baptist
Taylor Henry Edgar 08-23-1913 12-28-1987 h/o Johnnie Pearl Taylor Campbellton Baptist
Fleming Juanita J. 05-19-1919 12-28-2012 w/o Rev. Julian Fleming Campbellton Baptist
Taylor Henry H. 08-21-1868 12-29-1937 h/o Lilla Taylor Campbellton Baptist
Hinson M.L. 11-23-1839 12-30-1917 w/o B.A. Hinson Campbellton Baptist
Hardy Faith Ellen 06-08-1959 12-30-1995 Campbellton Baptist
Paulk Mary Lou 11-27-1934 12-31-2011 w/o Bobby Joel Paulk Campbellton Baptist
Casey Dr. J.L. 06-09-1832 1869 Campbellton Baptist
Shomaker Jim Willie 1855 1879 w/o Mynn Shomaker (archival survey marker unfound) Campbellton Baptist
Wynn Willie Shoemaker 1855 1879 w/o W.B. Wynn Campbellton Baptist
Denard Grace Boone 1877 1897 w/o Thomas Denard Campbellton Baptist
McKinley Iva 1901 1901 Campbellton Baptist
Stwart B.F. 1881 1904 Campbellton Baptist
Tarver M.C. 1834 1907 h/o Sallie Tarver Campbellton Baptist
Daniel Elizabeth J. 1835 1916 (archival survey marker unfound) Campbellton Baptist
Clarke Sallye Tillinghast 1837 1917 w/o Thomas Clarke Campbellton Baptist
Callaway Robert Henry 1846 1922 CSA Pvt (Co I 5 Fla Cavry) Campbellton Baptist
Denard Thomas Alex 1872 1929 h/o Grace Denard Campbellton Baptist
Peacock Jeanes Ann 03-27-1865 1932 Campbellton Baptist
Cemetery: Hays Cemetery
Last Name First Name MI Maiden DOB DODsort descending Family Comment Cemetery Attachment Headstone
Whaley Birta Lee 11-26-1888 12-24-1888 d/o H.E. & M.E. Whaley Hays Cemetery
Knowles Marion 1824 1824 (archival survey info) Hays Cemetery
Garrett (perhaps) (not legible) 1856 (close to Henry K. Garrett) Hays Cemetery
Morgan Nicholas 1782 Virginia 1861 Florida h/o Elizabeth Morgan Hays Cemetery
Bell Frank 1883 1883 Hays Cemetery
Robinson Alexander 1836 1886 CSA (Co B 3BN Fla Cav) Hays Cemetery
Bell Emma 1884 1897 Hays Cemetery
Bell Fannie 1893 1897 Hays Cemetery
Lewis Hallie Corinne 09-13-1878 1900 d/o Henry Clay & Caledonia Lewis (archival survey info) Hays Cemetery
Knowles Robert 1888 1906 Hays Cemetery
Bell Rosine 1916 1916 Hays Cemetery
Knowles Mary E. Cox 1855 1932 w/o Francis M. Knowles MOTHER Hays Cemetery
Cemetery: Mt Olive Baptist
Last Name First Name MI Maiden DOB DODsort descending Family Comment Cemetery Attachment Headstone
Windison John 10-28-1863 12-24-1909 WOW symbol headstone (died at Bascom Fla.) Mt Olive Baptist
Williams James H. 09-22-1911 12-24-1913 s/o A.M. & L.V. Williams Mt Olive Baptist
Williams Infant 09-22-1911 12-24-1913 c/o James H. Williams archival survey (marker unfound) Mt Olive Baptist
Turner Hubert Lee 01-06-1911 12-24-1960 h/o Willie L. Turner Mt Olive Baptist
Turner Lilla Dean 10-24-1932 12-26-1932 Mt Olive Baptist
Kirkland Brinda Gale 09-27-1957 12-27-1957 d/o Perry & Mavis Kirkland Mt Olive Baptist
Patrick Thomas Wilson Sr. 01-18-1916 12-28-1985 h/o Verma Dell Patrick Mt Olive Baptist
Tidwell Infant 12-30-1908 12-30-1908 s/o M.L. & Quiney Tidwell Mt Olive Baptist
Lockhart Lucy Tidwell 01-16-1861 12-30-1910 w/o G.W. Lockhart Mt Olive Baptist
McArthur Jimmy 08-06-1932 12-30-2014 h/o Ramona T. McArthur Mt Olive Baptist
Chandler Josephine Maye Wilkinson 11-07-1901 12-31-1940 w/o L. E. Chandler Mt Olive Baptist
Hartzog Ottie Leona 08-15-1873 12-31-1949 w/o James Thomas Hartzog Mt Olive Baptist
Kirkland Perry M. 03-23-1931 13-22-2015 h/o Mavis Kirkland Mt Olive Baptist
Bodiford Minnie Knight 1894 1916 w/o Reason Bodiford Mt Olive Baptist
Helms Elmer 1916 1918 s/o Lokey & Ada B. Helms Mt Olive Baptist
Helms Eveline 1915 1918 d/o Lokey & Ada B. Helms Mt Olive Baptist
Lockhart G. W. 1855 1918 h/o Lucy Tidwell Lockhart Mt Olive Baptist
Franklin Maggie Mae 1893 1928 Mt Olive Baptist
Moore Infant (one date) 1928 s/o Lilly & Eddie Lee Moore Mt Olive Baptist
Moore Lilly Mae Hasty 1907 1928 w/o Eddy Lee Moore Mt Olive Baptist
Kirkland John Martin 1865 1933 h/o Laura Ann Kirkland Mt Olive Baptist
Cemetery: Clayton
Last Name First Name MI Maiden DOB DODsort descending Family Comment Cemetery Attachment Headstone
Lord C.F. 07-18-1882 12-24-1915 Clayton
Miller Infant (one date) 12-24-1934 d/o J.R.& V.A. Miller Clayton
Miller Mary Elizabeth 12-14-1886 12-25-1966 w/o Charlie C. Miller married 11-07-1907 Clayton
Guy Robert E. 10-16-1915 12-27-1915 s/o J.W.& A.L. Guy Clayton
Kingry Eliza Jane 07-04-1832 12-28-1916 w/o Bryant C. Kingry Clayton
Love Yuthon L. 07-03-1877 12-29-1961 h/o Virginia Wheelus Love Clayton
Miller Charlie Clifford 11-14-1888 12-30-1966 h/o Mary Elizabeth Miller Clayton
Granger Infant 1897 1897 c/o J.G.& M.I. Granger Clayton
Granger Infant 1898 1898 c/o J.G.& M.I. Granger Clayton
Granger Infant (one date) 1904 c/o J.G.& M.I. Granger Clayton
Hall D.E. Cap 1884 1918 h/o Mae Hall Clayton
Prevatte Abner 1880 1932 h/o Cora Prevatte Clayton
Cemetery: Hickory Grove
Last Name First Name MI Maiden DOB DODsort descending Family Comment Cemetery Attachment Headstone
Yarborough Ellie Eston 09-16-1902 12-24-1932 Hickory Grove
Hatcher Ida J. 10-31-1877 12-25-1923 w/o Ruffus Hatcher Hickory Grove
Stinson Terry 12-10-1916 12-26-1960 (two markers noted) Hickory Grove
Jordan Doyle (Pat) Patterson 07-21-1935 12-26-2020 h/o Veneeda Johnson Jordan Obituaries Hickory Grove
Simmons Minnie Idell 11-27-1873 12-28-1919 w/o C.E. Simmons Hickory Grove
Robinson Annie Laura 08-24-1910 12-29-1939 Hickory Grove
Robinson Mavis Williams 11-12-1916 12-29-2004 w/o Johnny Robinson Hickory Grove
Hatcher Oddis Lucille 09-19-1931 12-30-2000 w/o Henry Hatcher Hickory Grove
McDonald Larry I. 02-23-1942 12-30-2016 (two markers noted) Hickory Grove
McDonald Larry I. 02-23-1942 12-30-2016 (two markers noted) Hickory Grove
Glass Montene 1931 1931 Hickory Grove
Cemetery: Bascom Baptist
Last Name First Name MI Maiden DOB DODsort descending Family Comment Cemetery Attachment Headstone
Joiner Troy B. 03-19-1895 12-24-1967 h/o Carrie Joiner (moved to Pinecrest) Bascom Baptist
Bush John Howard 12-07-1912 12-24-1976 h/o Dorothy Bush Bascom Baptist
Hogan Caroline L. 03-18-1892 12-24-1986 w/o Walter Hogan Sr. Bascom Baptist
Bevis William R. 10-22-1874 12-26-1955 h/o Susan Bevis Bascom Baptist
Bevis Marion O. 04-25-1918 12-26-1997 w/o Harold Bevis Bascom Baptist
Avery Martha J. 03-19-1854 12-27-1911 w/o William A. Avery Bascom Baptist
Dickens Donnie D. 12-03-1965 12-28-1965 Bascom Baptist
Green Mabel Westbrook 06-25-1906 12-28-2000 w/o Johnie B. Green Bascom Baptist
Cannady David L. 10-05-1945 12-29-1955 Bascom Baptist
Bevis Flafus J. 11-25-1889 12-29-1971 Bascom Baptist
Johnson Joshua S. 1828 1865 CSA-POW (Co E 8 Fla Inf) Bascom Baptist
Cook M.E. 1825 1904 Bascom Baptist
Bevis C. A. 1860 1910 h/o Jennie Bevis Bascom Baptist
O'Neal Joseph W. 1849 1912 Bascom Baptist
Belser Mrs. M.E. 1843 1920 Bascom Baptist
Coleman Elisha 1849 1921 h/o Tolula "King" Coleman CSA (Co A 2 GA Cav) Bascom Baptist
Bevis Jennie Belser 1870 1928 w/o C.A. Bevis Bascom Baptist
Hatcher Creasey Jane Dykes 1847 1929 Bascom Baptist
Cemetery: Greenwood Methodist
Last Name First Name MI Maiden DOB DODsort descending Family Comment Cemetery Attachment Headstone
Willis Robert Allen 12-06-1968 12-24-1968 Greenwood Methodist
Knapp Mary Mills 01-21-1898 12-25-1980 w/o Clinton Dewitt Knapp Greenwood Methodist
Sorey William Dennis 10-21-1848 12-26-1903 Greenwood Methodist
Porter Elizabeth Grace 01-29-1896 12-26-1964 w/o John Porter (dates from previous photo) Greenwood Methodist
Reddick James Allen 03-31-1921 12-29-1989 Greenwood Methodist
Budd Thomas Dan 04-05-1948 12-29-2008 Greenwood Methodist
Stapleton Lula Dowling 1861 1887 Greenwood Methodist
Pender Walter D. 1845 1914 h/o Mollie Pender Greenwood Methodist
Rawls Hugh D. 1885 1918 WOW Greenwood Methodist
Williams Sarah M. 1914 1920 Greenwood Methodist
Turner Henry W. 1870 1928 Greenwood Methodist
Williams Hazel L. 1912 1928 Greenwood Methodist
Pender John A. 1890 1929 Greenwood Methodist
Hatton Seaborn L. 1857 1932 h/o Mittie Hatton Greenwood Methodist
Cemetery: New Harmony
Last Name First Name MI Maiden DOB DODsort descending Family Comment Cemetery Attachment Headstone
Hall Frances G. 10-15-1924 12-24-1987 w/o Luther Hall married 01-20-1944 New Harmony
Tindell Johnie Mae 08-27-1911 12-25-1938 w/o Floyd Tindell married 06-02-1928 New Harmony
Hall Bonnie E. 01-27-1884 12-27-1952 w/o J.W. Hall New Harmony
Condrey J.L. 01-07-1925 12-27-1954 New Harmony
Herring Hubert E. 01-12-1910 12-28-1968 New Harmony
White Leonia 08-03-1925 12-30-2003 New Harmony
Cemetery: Gunn Methodist
Last Name First Name MI Maiden DOB DODsort descending Family Comment Cemetery Attachment Headstone
McAnulty Verna McDaniel 04-25-1910 12-24-1998 w/o J. F. McAnulty married 01-15-1933 Gunn Methodist
Jernigan Mary McCrae 12-24-1852 12-25-1902 d/o C.M. & Abagail Jernigan Gunn Methodist
Holloway Neta F. 02-04-1877 12-27-1906 w/o C.H. Holloway Gunn Methodist
Jordan Lillie Williams 12-15-1903 12-27-1992 w/o Jessie Bryant Jordan married 12-18-1920 Gunn Methodist
Mathews Henderson Dewitts 04-24-1914 12-30-1917 s/o J.M. & Maggie Mathews Gunn Methodist
Stapleton Thomas L. 12-29-1870 12-30-1958 h/o Allie Coonrod Stapleton Gunn Methodist
Hicks Benjamin P. 10-18-1884 12-31-1976 h/o Carrie Watford Hicks Gunn Methodist
Blackwell Abraham 1823 1863 h/o Ann M. Holland Blackwell Gunn Methodist
Baxter Thomas 1861 1871 s/o James Cary & Susan Baxter (archival survey info) Gunn Methodist
Williams Wyatt G. 1843 1895 h/o Mary E. Brown Williams (married 12-30-1866) CSA (s/o Thomas & Amanda Williams) Gunn Methodist
Granger Mary S. (no birth) 1918 Gunn Methodist
Crosby Abe L. (no birth) 1919 Gunn Methodist
Granger Graton (no birth) 1929 Gunn Methodist
Granger J. Tyree 1896 1929 Gunn Methodist
Parmer John (unmarked grave) 1931 1931 s/o Gussie & Ester Parmer (located north side of Charley D. Jordan 1902-1905) Gunn Methodist
Cemetery: Cowpen Pond
Last Name First Name MI Maiden DOB DODsort descending Family Comment Cemetery Attachment Headstone
Franklin Henry Joshua 10-17-1910 12-25-1910 Cowpen Pond
Basford Samuel Chester Sr. 04-06-1941 12-25-2020 h/o Frances Basford Cowpen Pond
Beauchamp Eligah 12-29-1878 12-28-1928 h/o Mary Beauchamp Cowpen Pond
Tyus John Henry 05-18-1936 12-28-1938 s/o Elijah and Sally Tyus Cowpen Pond
Weeks William Tom 08-15-1940 12-28-1995 Cowpen Pond
Hatcher Elizabeth 04-11-1848 12-29-1921 Cowpen Pond
Jackson Ranie B. 01-12-1903 12-29-1967 h/o Viola Jackson Cowpen Pond
Basford Jessie Weston 11-07-1879 12-29-1969 w/o Martin Basford Cowpen Pond
Neel Mary V. 06-25-1918 12-29-2003 w/o Wesley R. Neel married 09-17-1939 Cowpen Pond
Hewett J.M. 11-04-1837 12-30-1912 Cowpen Pond
Reiser John D. 1852 1853 s/o C.Reiser Cowpen Pond
Reiser Infant 1854 1854 d/o C. Reiser Cowpen Pond
Strickland Ester Sellers 1810 1870 (two markers noted) (same as Ester Sellers( Cowpen Pond
Sellers Ester Hewett, Strickland 1810 1870 (two markers noted) (same as Ester Strickland) Cowpen Pond
Strickland Ester Sellers---Hewett 1810 1870 (two markers noted) Cowpen Pond
Weeks Mrs. Jane E. (one date) 1878 (limestone) archival survey info Cowpen Pond
Cox Joseph B. 1825 1896 CSA (Co C 1st Fla Res) Cowpen Pond
Weeks Ann Revells 07-1863 1903 Cowpen Pond
Spurlock Samuel Henry 11-03-1846 1912 h/o Susan Rebecca Spurlock Civil War (Co A.1st Fla Cav) Cowpen Pond
Weeks Voncile (one date) 1915 Cowpen Pond
Bennett Frances Mitchell 04-18-1850 1920 Cowpen Pond
Weeks Virginia Wester 1879 1923 Cowpen Pond
Hatcher J.H. 1845 1925 Cowpen Pond
Hatcher Drewziea Williams 1845 1925 w/o J.H. Hatcher Cowpen Pond
Williams Drewziea 1845 1925 Cowpen Pond
Daniel Infant (one date) 1927 d/o M.F. & Mollie Cowpen Pond
Cemetery: Collins Baptist
Last Name First Name MI Maiden DOB DODsort descending Family Comment Cemetery Attachment Headstone
Mathews Elizabeth 03-18-1849 12-25-1931 w/o John Mathews Collins Baptist
Culverhouse Patsy L. Tidwell 06-25-1905 12-25-1968 w/o Alto Vernon Culverhouse Collins Baptist
Hollingsworth James C. 02-22-1929 12-25-1992 h/o Bessie M. Hollingsworth Collins Baptist
Fears Seabron 08-20-1886 12-26-1970 h/o Laura Bell Fears (s/o Cicero & Evie "Lockstead" Fears) Collins Baptist
Hall Daniel 11-24-1926 12-28-1989 Collins Baptist
Jacobs Mary A. 01-1832 12-29-1906 w/o Allison Jacobs married 07-18-1847 Collins Baptist PDF icon More Info
Conrad C. M. 11-06-1862 12-29-1919 Collins Baptist
Smith Julian Brown 03-30-1900 12-29-1964 h/o Lucy Ducker Smith Collins Baptist
Ford Yulee 03-10-1900 12-29-1985 Collins Baptist
King William B. 07-29-1900 12-30-1971 h/o Zennie Lee King Collins Baptist PDF icon More Info
Bell William Rodney 04-27-1985 12-30-1985 s/o Rodney & Becky Bell Collins Baptist
Williams Leroy 07-27-1900 12-31-1931 Collins Baptist
Moody Maggie Mae 01-21-1888 12-31-1960 Collins Baptist
Howell Aaron 05-06-1939 12-31-2008 h/o Louise B. Howell Collins Baptist
Hodges Baby Boy (one date) 17-18-1959 Collins Baptist
Collins (alleged) Susan 1811 (census) 1860 (after census) w/o David Collins Perhaps first cemerery interment Collins Baptist
Johnson Alexander 1803 1880 h/o Mary Pynes married 09-23-1833 Collins Baptist
Huff William David 01-03-1821 1881 h/o Elizabeth Jones married 1869 Collins Baptist PDF icon More Info
Baxter Louis (not legible) 1883 Collins Baptist
Jacobs Sarah (infant daughter) 1884 1884 d/o John & Callie Collins Baptist
Joiner Georgia Murdock 1869 1897 Collins Baptist
Hart Sammie 1890 1908 w/o Alex P. Hart Collins Baptist
Rogers Kizzie Shivers 1858 1908 w/o Daniel Edward Rogers (married 08-1883) Six children Collins Baptist
McAnulty Lucious J. 11-1890 1910 Collins Baptist
Etheridge Armettie (Mettie) 1858 1915 w/o James T. Etheridge Collins Baptist
Jacobs John J. 1857 1915 h/o Susan Callie Rogers married 01-01-1880 Collins Baptist
Murdock Thomas H. 1845 1916 h/o Charity E. Morning Murdock Collins Baptist PDF icon More Info
Jacobs Henry Hill 09-15-1896 1918 s/o Jim & Laura Jacobs Collins Baptist
Shell Nicy 1841 1918 w/o Thomas Shell Collins Baptist
Mathews Allie 1877 1922 Collins Baptist
Etheridge James T. 1855 1924 h/o Armettie Etheridge Collins Baptist
Mathews Hamon 1896 1924 Collins Baptist
Rogers Daniel E. 1860 1925 h/o Kizzie Shivers, Lola Jones & Sarsh Pete Collins Baptist PDF icon More Info
Jacobs James William 09-09-1880 1925 h/o Beulah Lee Pippins married 09-02-1904 Collins Baptist
Coonrod Andrew M. 1839 1927 h/o Sarah CONRAD (two markers noted) Same as A.M. Conrad Collins Baptist
Conrad A.M. 1839 1929 h/o Sarah K. Conrad (perhaps Andrew M. Coonrod CSA) Collins Baptist
Cemetery: Antioch
Last Name First Name MI Maiden DOB DODsort descending Family Comment Cemetery Attachment Headstone
Ducker Howard E. 03-18-1942 12-25-1982 Antioch PDF icon More Info
Hall Harris H. 06-08-1898 12-26-1946 Antioch
Granger Dovie Cherry 02-29-1908 12-28-1971 w/o John Berry Granger Antioch
Granger Infant (one date) 12-30-1929 s/o Earl & Vida Granger Antioch
Granger John Berry 10-25-1903 12-31-1973 h/o Dovie Cherry Granger Antioch
West Ramona (not legiable) 1860 w/o M.R. West Antioch
Buhnham Cathern I. 1907 1909 Antioch
Granger Betty Elizabeth 1826 1910 Antioch
Sellers Nancy Jane 05-1882 1918 Antioch
Mumford Mary Jane 1853 1926 w/o Joe Mumford (old marker replaced) Antioch
Mumford J. W. (Bud) 1885 1928 h/o Bessie Mumford Antioch
Granger Eva 1920 1930 Antioch
Granger Russell Dean 1930 1931 Antioch
Granger J. Hubert 1931 1932 Antioch
Cemetery: Pleasant Ridge
Last Name First Name MI Maiden DOB DODsort descending Family Comment Cemetery Attachment Headstone
Peacock Martha Rivers 03-01-1851 12-26-1917 w/o T.D. Peacock Pleasant Ridge
Hart Dr. Clifton L. 10-21-1920 12-27-1983 h/o Mary Evelyn Hart (veterinarian) Pleasant Ridge
Skipper Ellis L. 05-16-1925 12-28-2002 h/o Vivian Skipper Pleasant Ridge
Peacock Sarah 03-15-1869 1872 d/o T.D. and Martha Peacock 3 years of age Pleasant Ridge
Hart Mattie C. 1923 1924 Pleasant Ridge
Cemetery: Pilgrims Rest
Last Name First Name MI Maiden DOB DODsort descending Family Comment Cemetery Attachment Headstone
Blackwell Edward Allen 12-30-1917 12-26-1918 s/o L. F. & E. E. Blackwell Pilgrims Rest
Shiver Mary Sible 02-23-1894 12-31-1970 w/o Bug B. Shiver Pilgrims Rest
Martin Dwiot 1891 1918 (two markers noted) (US Army Ga Co 13 New Receiving Camp WW I) Pilgrims Rest
Miller Josephine Barksdale 1850 1921 w/o W. H. Miller (unmarked adult slab beside) Pilgrims Rest
Miller W. H. 1845 1925 h/o Josephine Barksdale Miller Pilgrims Rest
Cemetery: Coonrod / Conrad
Last Name First Name MI Maiden DOB DODsort descending Family Comment Cemetery Attachment Headstone
Fullerton Addison D. 1824 12-31-1867 h/o Elizabeth Fullerton Coonrod / Conrad
Conrad Eddie Lou 05-01-1934 12-31-2014 w/o William B. Conrad married 06-03-1950 Coonrod / Conrad
Coonrod Hester Hetty 1799 186 ? w/o Joseph Coonrod (age 60 in 1860) Coonrod / Conrad
Coonrod William H. 1824 1863 (marker moved from Collins Cemetery) CSA (Co G 6 Fla Inf) Coonrod / Conrad
Dickson Elizabeth 1814 1874 w/o John Jacob Dickson (john died in 1864 Civil War) Coonrod / Conrad
Coonrod Nancy Martin 1837 1880 w/o Thomas F. Coonrod (married 12-14-1852) d/o John P. & Nancy Martin Coonrod / Conrad
Coonrod Thomas Frank 1829 1883 h/o Nancy "Martin" Coonrod (married 12-14-1852) s/o Joseph & Hetty Coonrod Coonrod / Conrad
Hatcher Mary Johananna Coonrod 05-26-1866 1902 w/o James Issac Hatcher (married 04-09-1882) d/o John Coonrod & Elizabeth A. "Baxter" Coonrod Coonrod / Conrad
Grimsley Elizabeth Fortson 1840 1914 w/o John P. Grimsley (married 08-23-1860) d/o B.G. & M.A. Fortson Coonrod / Conrad
Conrad John & Peter Lawrence 01-10-1917 1917 I/o Peter and Ella Conrad Coonrod / Conrad
Cemetery: Martin Family
Last Name First Name MI Maiden DOB DODsort descending Family Comment Cemetery Attachment Headstone
Martin John J. 1813 1819 Martin Family
Martin Julius 1760 1828 H/O Nancy Gilmore Martin Martin Family
Martin James D. Hicks 1810 1834 H/O Eliza Hicks Martin, married: November 4th 1832 S/O Julius & Nancy Gilmore Martin Martin Family
Gilmore Henry 1814 1839 H/O America Arenia Martin, married 2nd Sept. 1836 (by White Pynes) S/O John Heard & Hollan Hodge Gilmore Martin Family
Gilmore Henry 1814 1839 h/o America A. Martin married 09-02-1836 Martin Family
Martin Infant 1853 1853 Martin Family
Martin Infant 1856 1856 Martin Family
Martin John 1818 1864 s/o Julis and Nancy Martin Family
Martin Augustus G. 1847 1866 S/O John T. & Rhoda Ann Gilmore Martin CSA (5th. Fla. Infantry Co. I) Martin Family
Martin Rhoda A. Gilmore 1817 1875 W/O John T. Martin, married January 11th 1837 D/O John Heard & Hollan Hedges Gilmore Martin Family
Martin Samuel 1818 1877 H/O Nancy Register Martin S/O Julius & Nancy Gilmore Martin Martin Family
Martin Nancy 1816 1884 W/O Elias Register married September 21st 1837 / W/O Samuel Martin Martin Family
Martin John T. 1816 1885 H/O Rhoda Gilmore Martin S/O Julius & Nancy Martin Martin Family
Martin Byrd 1903 1908 S/O Samuel H. Delcender Branton Martin Martin Family
Cemetery: Dellwood Methodist
Last Name First Name MI Maiden DOB DODsort descending Family Comment Cemetery Attachment Headstone
Ryals William Foster 1904 1922 Dellwood Methodist
Nichols Earl 1888 1930 Dellwood Methodist
